Getting Started as a RRVSD Employee

If you've just joined us - Congratulations and welcome aboard! This page is designed specifically for new hires like you to help get you started and find important information.

If you landed here by accident, feel free to head back to our home page. Otherwise, keep reading to get started on your journey with us. We're excited to have you on the team!

Preparing for your onboarding meeting with our Human Resources department:

Our Human Resources department will schedule a meeting with you to help get you set up. To ensure a smooth process, please make sure you bring the following items with you:

  • A government issued photo ID

  • Work Authorization Documentation (if you're not a Canadian citizen)

  • Criminal Record and Child Abuse Registry Checks. These checks must be satisfactory and have been completed within the past 6 months. For more details, see Admin. Procedure E8 - Employment & Security Checks

  • A cancelled cheque or banking information including institution, transit, and account number to be used for payroll direct deposits.

What to expect at your meeting:

Every position is a little bit different, but here are some of the things you may go over when you meet with our team:

  • Review and sign your employment agreement;

  • Receive your RRVSD username and password to log into your new email and other resources;

  • Receive your Atrieve login credentials;

  • Complete your onboarding documents;

  • Complete required training (Orientation, WHS & GHS, Accessibility, Respect in School)

Criminal Record and Child Abuse Registry Checks:

Employment with the Red River Valley School Division is contingent upon producing satisfactory results of a Criminal Record Check and a Child Abuse Registry Check. You will be required to produce the original documents for inspection: certified copies will be made and kept in your employee file. These checks must have been completed within the last 6 months.

Child Abuse Registry Checks are performed by the Province of Manitoba Child Abuse Registry Unit. Instructions for obtaining a Child Abuse Registry Check are available on-line by visiting the provincial website. Applications can be completed using a mail in application or an online application:

Criminal Record Checks, including a Vulnerable Sector Scan can be completed online or at your local RCMP detachment. More information can be found on the Winnipeg Police Service website.
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