Division Closures

All efforts will be made to announce school closures prior to 6:45 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. Media announcements shall be made by 6:45a.m.  (full day closure) via school, divisional websites, School Messenger, Instagram and Twitter and 2:30p.m.  (afternoon bus cancellation) via School Messenger, Instagram and Twitter.

The paramount consideration is the safety of our students.
Media announcements shall be through the following radio and television stations:

If schools are closed due to cold weather or poor road conditions, parents and/or guardians are asked to make alternate arrangements for students for that day.

Decisions respecting the closure of schools will be made by the Superintendent/CEO after consultation with the RRVSD Transportation Supervisor who consults with any of the following: RCMP, Highways Department, and other school divisions. Closures will be made based on the combination of some or all of the following criteria:

  1. Visibility
  2. Extreme Cold Temperatures (-35 C or lower) - We consult the Environment Canada website and use the temperature as reported at the Winnipeg International Airport to help us make our decision. Contact Information: Environment Canada
  3. Extreme Wind Chill Factor (-45 C or lower) Contact Information: Wind Chill
  4. Road Conditions Contact Information: Road Conditions

Once students have arrived at the schools, schools will remain open until regular dismissal time. In the event that afternoon bus routes are cancelled by the Superintendent/CEO due to inclement weather developing during the school day, students will be sent home using the emergency billet system arranged in advance.

For more details, please refer to:
CLOSURE OF SCHOOLS - Procedure C4 - Closure of Schools.pdf

ROUTE CANCELLATION - Procedure I4 - Route Cancellation.pdf

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