Division Closures

All efforts will be made to announce school closures prior to 6:45 a.m. Media announcements shall be made by 6:45a.m.  (full day closure) via school, divisional websites, School Messenger, Instagram and Twitter.

The paramount consideration is the safety of our students.
Media announcements shall be through the following radio and television stations:
STEINBACH ONLINE        CFAM          CITY NEWS              CJOB RADIO          CBC RADIO 89.3       CHSM
GLOBAL NEWS            MIX 96.7             CBC TALK RADIO         CKSB            CTV NEWS           ENVOL 91.1 FRENCH 

If schools are closed due to cold weather or poor road conditions, parents and/or guardians are asked to make alternate arrangements for students for that day.

Decisions respecting the closure of schools will be made by the Superintendent/CEO after consultation with the RRVSD Transportation Supervisor who consults with any of the following: RCMP, Highways Department, and other school divisions. Closures will be made based on the combination of some or all of the following criteria:

  1. Visibility
  2. Extreme Cold Temperatures (-35 C or lower) - We consult the Environment Canada website and use the temperature as reported at the Winnipeg International Airport to help us make our decision. Contact Information: Environment Canada
  3. Extreme Wind Chill Factor (-45 C or lower) Contact Information: Wind Chill
  4. Road Conditions Contact Information: Road Conditions

Once students have arrived at the schools, schools will remain open until regular dismissal time. In the event that afternoon bus routes are cancelled by the Superintendent/CEO due to inclement weather developing during the school day, students will be sent home using the emergency billet system arranged in advance.

For more details, please refer to:
CLOSURE OF SCHOOLS - Procedure C4 - Closure of Schools.pdf

ROUTE CANCELLATION - Procedure I4 - Route Cancellation.pdf

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